Friday, July 23, 2010

It's a whiplash kind of day

Or a WTH kind of day. Take your pick.

After a day of watching him want to do something all day - I mean this puts ADHD to shame, he washed dishes last night.

When I say ADHD - he cannot sit still. He walks around and around the kitchen island. He finds his keys and tries to head out the door. He mutters things that have to get done - it's totally unintelligible; but, still, in his mind there are chores to do and he must do them.

I gave up about noon trying to get him to sit down and relax. I upped his anti-psychotic at lunch time, to no avail.

All I can tell you is Pastor John came to call late in the afternoon and it had a calming effect on him. Afterwards, John sat and watched TV. He ate. He got up and washed dishes. And I let him.

That's the key, isn't it. Letting them go and stumble if they must, like a toddler. What's the worse that can happen? He gets hurt? He injures his brain? He winds up in a hospital? I remember letting Nick run down the sidewalk when he was little, knowing the inevitable would happen - there would be a skinned knee and a little more caution next time. There won't be more caution next time because John won't remember what happened. He has all sorts of fantastic stories about how he got the gash on his head Sunday night. None of which are remotely true, of course, but I love to see how his brain operates.

So, it's whiplash in that one's head whips the other direction so fast to see who/what this person is today. But it's also a letting go kind of day.


  1. Dale will sit for brief periods but never seems to relax. He gets up and paces the floor every ten minutes or so. He claims his legs hurt so he needs to walk around but I think it's mostly boredom. He goes to the fridge often. I think I'm more accepting about it now - though I still wonder what he's getting into.

  2. I have no idea what force in John's brain brings this on. Thanks for the comment!
